
Aosite, ers 1993

How To Remove Door Hinges

How to Remove Door Hinges: A Step-by-Step Guide

Removing door hinges may seem like a daunting task, especially for someone who has never done it before. However, with the proper tools and a little know-how, the process can be simple and straightforward. In this article, we’ll provide a step-by-step guide on how to remove door hinges.

Step 1: Gather your Tools

Before you start removing your door hinges, it is important to have the necessary tools. You will need a screwdriver (either Phillips or flathead depending on the hinge), a hammer, a chisel, and a wood block. The wood block is used to prevent damage to the door or frame when you remove the hinge pins.

Step 2: Remove the Hinge Pins

The first step in removing the hinges is to remove the hinge pins. To do this, start by wedging the wood block under the door, right below the hinge you want to remove. This will help hold the door steady while you work.

Using the hammer and chisel, carefully tap the bottom of the hinge pin. This will loosen it and allow you to pull it out. Work on one pin at a time, starting with the bottom pin and moving up to the top.

Step 3: Remove the Screws

With the hinge pins removed, the next step is to remove the screws that hold the hinges in place. Use your screwdriver to carefully remove each screw, starting with the top and moving down to the bottom. Be sure to place the screws in a safe place so they are not lost.

Step 4: Remove the Hinges

Once all the screws are removed, the hinges should come loose. However, they may still be stuck to the door or frame. To remove them, use your screwdriver or chisel to gently pry them off. Be careful not to damage the door or frame in the process.

Step 5: Clean Up

Once the hinges are removed, you may notice that there are leftover screw holes in the door or frame. This is normal and can easily be fixed. You can either fill the holes with wood filler and sand it smooth, or you can replace the screws with slightly larger ones that will fill the holes.


Removing door hinges is a simple process as long as you have the proper tools and know-how. By following these steps, you should be able to remove your door hinges without any issues. However, if you are not comfortable doing this yourself, it is always best to seek the help of a professional.

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