
奧斯特,自 1993


合頁作為家具安裝中不可或缺的一部分,尤其是在櫥櫃門窗等啟閉部件中,發揮著至關重要的作用。 正確安裝合頁不僅可以確保家具的穩定性和使用壽命,還可以提升整體美觀。 以下是有關如何安裝鉸鏈的詳細指南。
2024 07 25
在室內設計和家具功能領域,鉸鏈在確保各種固定裝置的平穩運作和耐用性方面發揮著至關重要的作用。 在市面上不同類型的鉸鏈中,雙向液壓鉸鏈以其獨特的品質脫穎而出,可增強使用者體驗並提高家居用品的使用壽命。 在這種情況下,我們將探討雙向液壓鉸鏈的優點及其在住宅環境中的多樣化應用。
2024 07 22
家居五金企業面臨前所未有的挑戰與機會。 企業必須洞察機遇,順應時代潮流,不斷提升競爭力,才能維持市場領先地位。
2024 07 06
2024 06 18
2024 05 31
4月19日,奧斯特第135屆廣交會展會圓滿結束。 奧斯特當然不會錯過這樣同台競技的好機會,帶著新品亮相廣交會,與各國客商一起探索家居五金的功能。
2024 04 22
In the realm of furniture design and functionality, the Metal Drawer System stands out as an indispensable component.
2024 04 12
Let's delve into the world of undermount drawer slides to uncover their advantages, drawbacks, and ideal applications.
2024 04 12
Choosing between undermount and side-mount drawer slides can be a daunting task, especially with the myriad of options available in the market.
2024 04 12
Let's delve into the pros and cons of undermount drawer slides to help you make an informed decision.
2024 04 12
In the realm of kitchen renovations and furniture upgrades, the question of whether undermount drawer slides are worth the investment often arises.
2024 04 12
In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the world of metal drawer boxes, exploring their advantages, types, and components, as well as how to choose the right one for your needs.
2024 04 12


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