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Don't know the quality of the cabinet? Let's take a look at the quality of cabinet hinges first! _Hi1

Cabinet Hinges: Hidden Secrets to Consider

After several years of use, it is not uncommon for cabinets to start experiencing problems. While some hinges may be inconspicuous, they can have a significant impact on the overall functionality of the cabinet once they start malfunctioning. Many cabinet manufacturers tend to overlook the importance of hinges, opting for cheaper options that may not withstand long-term use. Therefore, when assessing the quality of cabinets, it is crucial to pay close attention to the hinges. Good cabinet manufacturers understand the importance of reliable hinges, as even this seemingly insignificant hardware can greatly affect the overall usability of the cabinet.

Various hinge materials are available on the market, such as stainless steel, nickel-plated steel, and nickel-chrome-plated iron. When selecting a hinge, consumers often prioritize hardness. However, hardness alone is not enough to ensure the durability of a hinge that undergoes frequent opening and closing. A reputable hardware manufacturer emphasizes that the constant use of cabinet doors places high demands on hinge quality. Hinges that are excessively hard may lack the necessary toughness for long-term use, leading to potential issues. Some hinges may appear thicker to convey strength and durability, but this increased thickness often compromises the hinge's toughness, making it more susceptible to breakage over time. Thus, a hinge with good toughness proves more durable during prolonged and frequent use compared to one solely focused on hardness.

Don't know the quality of the cabinet? Let's take a look at the quality of cabinet hinges first! _Hi1 1

According to an engineer from the Hardware Department of Beijing Construction Hardware Plumbing Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, stainless steel offers greater hardness compared to nickel-plated steel and iron-nickel-chrome-plated steel. However, it is not as tough as nickel-plated steel. Therefore, the choice of hinge material should be made based on specific requirements. Iron-nickel-chrome-plated steel hinges are commonly found in the market due to their affordability. However, these hinges are prone to rust, even with other metal coatings, if the electroplating process is not executed correctly. Rusting compromises the functionality and lifespan of the hinge.

Although hinges may appear small, they can cause numerous problems. The most visible consequence of faulty hinges is the sagging of cabinet doors. The Beijing Construction Hardware Plumbing Product Quality Supervision and Inspection Station identifies three main causes for cabinet door sagging. Firstly, poor hinge quality can lead to breakage and detachment during use, resulting in difficulty in closing the cabinet doors or deformation. Secondly, low-quality materials for the door leaf and door frame can contribute to hinge failure. Inadequate materials often lead to door body deformation, which subsequently affects hinge performance. Thirdly, improper installation can also cause hinge problems. Professional installers typically avoid installation issues, but self-installation or inexperienced workers may result in inaccurate hinge placement, leading to sagging cabinet doors and further complications for the hinges themselves.

Apart from material quality and installation, other factors can contribute to hinge problems. For instance, the spring within the hinges can play a significant role. The current national standard for hinges in China only sets minimum requirements for overall product performance, such as tens of thousands of openings. However, it does not regulate parts that exceed these standards, like the performance of the spring within the hinge.

In summary, it is essential to take hinges into consideration when evaluating the quality of cabinets. The choice of hinge material should balance hardness and toughness, depending on the specific requirements. The reliance on affordable iron-nickel-chrome-plated steel hinges may lead to rusting and hinder hinge performance. The problems caused by faulty hinges, such as sagging cabinet doors, can arise due to hinge quality, poor material selection, or improper installation. Additionally, factors like the performance of the hinge springs can impact overall hinge reliability. By understanding these concealed secrets of hinges, consumers can make informed decisions when choosing cabinets and ensure long-lasting functionality.

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