
Aosite, since 1993

What kind of technical requirements does the hinge need to meet_Industry News 1

In order to ensure the highest standards of quality, there are six key requirements that must be met in the production of automobile door hinges:

1. Adherence to Approved Drawings and Procedures:

Automobile door hinges must be manufactured in strict accordance with the approved drawings and prescribed procedures, as well as adhere to all relevant technical documents. This ensures that the hinges are produced in alignment with industry standards and regulations.

What kind of technical requirements does the hinge need to meet_Industry News
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2. Anti-Corrosion Treatment:

To prevent the hinges from succumbing to corrosion, it is essential that the surface of the door hinges undergo anti-corrosion treatment. This treatment should meet the specific requirements set by the manufacturer, further enhancing the durability and longevity of the hinges.

3. Optimal Opening and Closing Angles:

The door hinges must be designed to accommodate the maximum opening angle required by vehicle design, while also ensuring that the minimum closing angle meets the specified requirements. Hinges equipped with a door opening limiter should have a reliable limit bit to effectively control the range of motion.

4. Longitudinal Load Capacity:

What kind of technical requirements does the hinge need to meet_Industry News
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The door hinge device should possess the ability to withstand a longitudinal load of 11110N without experiencing disengagement or failure. This ensures that the hinges can endure the stresses and forces associated with vehicle operation.

5. Lateral Load Capacity:

In addition to longitudinal load capacity, the door hinge device should also be capable of withstanding a lateral load of 8890N without any disengagement. This ensures the hinges remain robust and secure, even when subjected to forces that act in a sideways or lateral direction.

6. Durability Testing:

The durability of the door hinge device is of utmost importance. Therefore, it should undergo 105 durability tests to assess its performance and reliability. Following these tests, the door hinge should continue to function normally while meeting all the requirements of the aforementioned durability assessments.

AOSITE Hardware has always been committed to manufacturing the finest hinges while providing exceptional professional service. These efforts have resulted in increased attention and recognition from customers both at home and abroad. Our expertise in the automotive hardware segment has positioned AOSITE Hardware as a leader in the domestic market while garnering significant appreciation from clients in foreign countries. This recognition has been further solidified by successfully obtaining various certifications from domestic and international bodies, showcasing our dedication to maintaining the highest quality standards.

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