
Aosite, since 1993

Selection Points Of Slide Rail

1. Test steel

How much a drawer can bear depends on the quality of the steel of the track. The thickness of the steel of the drawer of different specifications is different, and the load is also different. When buying, you can pull out the drawer and press it slightly with your hand to see if it will loosen, rattle or flip.

2. See the material

The material of the pulley determines the comfort of the drawer when sliding. Plastic pulleys, steel balls, and abrasion-resistant nylon are the three most common types of pulley materials. Among them, abrasion-resistant nylon is the top grade. When sliding, it is quiet and silent. Depending on the quality of the pulley, you can push and pull the drawer with one finger. There should be no astringency or noise.

3. Pressure device

Choose the key points to see if the pressure device works well, just try it more! See if it saves effort and if braking is convenient. It should be noted that although the pressure device is good, it is more expensive.

How To Choose A Hinge
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