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Why can't I buy aluminum frame hinges in the market now_Company News 3

Why are Aluminum Frame Door Hinges Hard to Find? Exploring the Supply Shortage"

In recent years, both hinge dealers and furniture and cabinet hinge manufacturers have faced a common challenge - difficulty finding suppliers for aluminum frame hinges. The reasons behind this scarcity can be attributed to the rapid fluctuations in alloy material prices since 2005.

A significant increase in the price of alloy materials, soaring from slightly above 10,000 yuan to over 30,000 yuan per ton, has made manufacturers cautious about investing in these materials. This sense of restraint stems from concerns about potential material price fluctuations and the subsequent inability to price aluminum frame door hinges reasonably. Naturally, this apprehension leads to financial losses. Consequently, many manufacturers have opted to avoid producing aluminum frame hinges altogether.

Why can't I buy aluminum frame hinges in the market now_Company News
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On the other hand, as a dealer of aluminum frame door hinges, it becomes a gamble to order and stock these hinges due to the uncertainty in demand. Unless a customer places a confirmed order for a substantial quantity of aluminum frame door hinges, dealers shy away from ordering supplies, fearing potential risks and losses. This hesitation further contributes to the scarcity of aluminum frame door hinges present in the market today.

Despite Friendship Machinery ceasing production of aluminum frame door hinges with zinc alloy heads back in 2006, continuous calls from customers in the market reflect the persistent demand for these hinges. To meet this demand, our hinge factory embarked on technological innovation. The innovative solution involved replacing the zinc alloy head in the aluminum frame hinge with iron, resulting in a brand new aluminum frame door hinge. Remarkably, the new hinge retains the same installation method and size as the original, offering cost savings without compromising quality. Furthermore, the transition to iron allows us to control the materials ourselves, effectively eliminating the limitations imposed by previous zinc alloy suppliers.

In conclusion, the scarcity of aluminum frame door hinges can primarily be attributed to manufacturers' concerns about the fluctuating prices of alloy materials. This caution has led manufacturers to refrain from producing these hinges, resulting in a limited supply in the market. However, innovative solutions, such as replacing zinc alloy with iron, can help meet the persistent demand for aluminum frame door hinges while offering cost-effective alternatives.

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